Blog tagged as Wind Turbine

OSS Inspection - EDF Renewables
Elevate Your Offshore Maintenance Inspections with MaDfly 
11.10.23 15:23 - Comment(s)
Audiovisual Production - LDA

Did you know? MaDfly can create professional photos and videos for you

03.08.23 14:51 - Comment(s)
Ballasts inspection - BW Ideol

Visual inspection of Floatgen's 16 ballasts completed in a single day only ⏱
Our confined space drone allowed BW Ideol to observe every nook and cranny of the floater

21.06.23 12:22 - Comment(s)
Aerial pictures - Services Voltiges

MaDfly was glad to work with Services voltige to produce aerial picture to enhance their experience on wind turbine!

27.07.21 16:10 - Comment(s)